Video infrastructure for developers.
Revideo is an open-source framework for programmatic video editing based on Motion Canvas. You can use it to automate complex video workflows, or to build entire video editors in the browser.
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Build tools to create videos at scale.
Use Revideo to build complex apps. Preview instantly and render to MP4 when you're done. This is how it works.
Create a template.
Build a template for the video you want to create using Typescript.
export default makeScene2D(function* (view) {
	// Get text from the scene variables
	const variableText = useScene().variables.get('text', '');
	// Add a text element
	const textRef = createRef<Txt>();
	  <Txt ref={textRef} text={variableText()} fill="#FFFFFF" fontSize={80} fontFamily={"Roboto"} />,
	// Let text pulsate
	yield* textRef().fontSize(100, 1);
	yield* textRef().fontSize(80, 1);
Pass in your data.
Pass in your data to the template to create a video. Data can be anything. Text, images, videos or complex data structures.
Preview instantly.
Preview the video in your browser. Changes to the data are reflected instantly which allows for real-time applications.
0:00 / -1:-1
Render your video.
Render your video to an MP4 programmatically and use it anywhere.
Unlimited use-cases.
Create videos at scale. Generate and A/B test video ads, build entire video editors inside your web-app or build video games. The possibilities are endless.
Generate videos in bulk
A/B test your videos on social media by creating templates to generate hundreds of variations. If you have a large product catalog for example, you can generate videos for each product.
Video Editing
Build your own video editor
Use Revideo to build your own video editor or add video editing capabilities to your existing app.
Check out our examples
See what you can build with Revideo. We compiled a few examples and are adding new ones.
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Join our Discord to get help, share your projects and get updates on new features.
Next steps
Getting started
Project of the week
Stories by Angris
Make your own RPG style adventures from a prompt. Infinite Stories, Infinite Characters, Infinite Locations.
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Have other ideas? Reach out to us to see how we can help you with your use-case.